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Our company Privacy Policy gives you an in-depth explanation of what information we collect, how we use it and how we keep it secure.
We collect your information when you decide to engage with us. This could include, but is not limited to, some of the following:
Register on our site or create an account
Place an order 
Sign up for our newsletters
What information do we collect and how do we use it?
We only collect the information that’s necessary to process and ship orders received through our website.  
Information we obtain from you:
When you sign up to our newsletter, create an account with us or place an order online, we need to collect the following information.
First and last name / Company Name
Email address
Delivery address
Billing address
Phone number
VAT number
Please note we do not store any payment card details on our website. All payments are directly processed by the bank.
How do we protect your information?
As an ethical company, we will never share, sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third parties without your consent.
Your personal information is held behind secure networks and is only available to a restricted number of people who have special authorisation to such systems. 
Sometimes it is necessary for us to permit external parties to access your data in order to perform specialised services on our behalf. We make sure anyone who provides a service for Eternity Europe Limited enters into an agreement with us and meets our high standards for data security. They will not use your data for anything other than the clearly defined reason related to the service that they are providing.
We may share your details with:
Service providers who work on behalf of Eternity Europe Limited, for the fulfilment of any contract we enter into with them or you. This might include payment processing, courier and mail delivery providers, marketing agencies, website hosting or email delivery service.
Third party advertisers (such as Facebook or Google) to help us identify potential customers or to display relevant adverts to you on third party websites.
Despite all our measures, no data transmission over the internet is 100% secure. So, for this reason, we cannot guarantee the security of any information which you disclose to us and we wish to highlight the fact that you do so at your own risk.
Changes to our policy
If our privacy policy changes at any point in time, we will update this page. We may also inform you of any changes via email.